WinWay TradingExpert

A history of excellence

  • Trade US and UK stocks 90%
  • Trade FOREX 80%
  • Spread bet 60%
  • Option Traders 48%
  • ETF traders 71%

WinWay TradingExpert

Darren Winters started The Wealth Training Company in 2000. Since that time it has been growing rapidly and is now the market leader in the UK (and Europe) for stock market training. Darren Winters and The Wealth Training  Company have successfully trained more people to invest than any other stock market training company in Britain.

It has been the No 1 choice for over 165,000 people in the UK and also attracted clients from abroad. It has maintained its number one position by providing very high quality training courses that teach easy to follow and easy to apply investment strategies. This has resulted in 1000’s of graduate success stories and testimonials, with happy clients then referring friends and family.

To meet the growing needs of its clients, Wealth Training has developed WinWay TradingExpert a trading support and analysis package which has become Darren’s preferred trading software; it is configured to Darren’s precise trading requirements and specifications and you will not find this software anywhere else. Only WinWay TradingExpert provides all the tools a trader could ever need, under one roof!


Here’s how clients use TradingExpert

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WinWayCharts AI Market Ratings updated signals June 10, 2024

 In this update, we’re going to discuss the most recent market timing signals from the Expert system within our Trading Expert Pro platform. On your screen is a daily chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a price phase indicator underneath, displaying Heiken Ashi-mode candles. The green bars indicate an uptrend, red bars show a downtrend, and the bars that are neither green nor red are based on a color study indicating a high market rating. To explain these market ratings: over 400 rules run through an inference engine—a decision tree process where 400 different indicator states are evaluated. When one rule fires, it triggers the evaluation of certain other rules. These decision pathways contribute to a high expert rating, either up or down, which can signal a change in market direction. The expert rules are based on historical Dow Jones price action and the internals of the New York Stock Exchange, such as new highs, new lows, and advancing/declining issues, evaluated using numerous indicators. Every day, we generate an expert rating. Most ratings are neutral, meaning few or no rules fired. For instance, on June 4th of this year, the rating was neutral. Once the rules’ weighting reaches beyond 95 up or down, it’s a significant level. On the price chart, buy and sell points are indicated for ratings greater than 95. I’ve marked only the first in a batch of signals; subsequent signals reinforce the initial one. For example, a sell signal is marked by a yellow bar indicating a 96 down rating, signifying importance. Each day, an expert rating is shown on the chart. Scrolling...

WinWayCharts Exclusive Premium Zoom Workshop

June 19, 2024 4 – 5.30pm London Time An exclusive opportunity to join Ray and Steve in a premium workshop where we’ll cover some of the most common questions raised by clients. In this 90-minute session we’ll cover Drawing tools how to use them effectively in Charts Charting shortcuts save time and energy Adding and Saving indicators Effective use of taglists Application of Fibonacci tool How to use WinWay MACD and RSI Using WinWay Stock Reports Application of Group/Sector Rotation Reports and Market Log All sessions are recorded. Discounted price $99 only...

ProShares Leveraged ETFs – Sectors Long and Short

There are many ETF families in the market today, and of course, the oldest and most popular ETF, SPY has been around since 1993. Ultra ProShares Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) developed by Profunds and traded on the AMEX. are one of the most actively traded areas of the markets. With $billions pouring into the UltraShort QQQ ETF, QID, it’s evident that it’s become one of the most actively traded ETFs globally. Whether you’re a trader or investor, these Ultra ETFs serve as valuable tools capable of enhancing returns while mitigating risks. Ultra bullish and UltraShort ETFs on broad market indices expanded some years ago to include leveraged bullish and bearish Sector and International ETFs. These additions enable investors to hedge or amplify sector exposure effortlessly. Moreover, these Ultra and UltraShort ETFs are compatible with IRAs or retirement accounts, where shorting or margin trading is typically restricted.   From a trader’s perspective, the liquidity and leverage of Ultra Bullish and UltraShort ETFs, which move two times the underlying index or inversely track it, offer a simpler and less risky alternative to options, futures, or shorting stocks. For day traders, the highly liquid QQQ ETFs, QLD and QID, along with S&P500 ETFs, SDS and SSO, have become favored vehicles. The volatility of these ETFs presents opportunities for swift gains. For investors and portfolio managers, ProShares ETFs offer a plethora of risk management tactics and asset allocation strategies. They provide flexibility to hedge against market risk or capitalize on market fluctuations. Furthermore, leveraging Ultra ETFs in asset allocation frees up capital for further diversification, allowing for strategic positioning across various sectors and...