stocks stocks
WinWay TradingExpert
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TradingExpert Pro
State-of-the-art charting
Stock charts, FOREX charts, Futures charts, market indices, streaming real-time data.
State-of-the-art charting
end of day
Stock charts, FOREX charts, Futures charts, Mutual funds, indices.
Advanced drawing tools
Trend lines, parallel lines, Gann, Fibonacci, regression. Add text and arrows to charts or indicators.
UK Groups/Sectors
Explore all the UK stock charts in a UK industry group with one click.
30 built-in UK Group/Sector Reports
Analysis, comparison, relative strength, volume spike and more
Real-time system alerting
Multiple Trading systems, multiple time frames. Alerts to your pager, e-mail or just have it play an audio file.
Strategy creation and testing
Defining, creating and testing a Trading strategy to fine-tune your Trading strategy real time or end of day.
Level 2
Level II in depth with powerful tools that measure the bid, ask and trade graphically and large and small trade levels by volume.
Built-in Reports
Over one hundred built-in reports, ranging from Relative Strength, Persistence of MoneyFlow and Moving Average Crossover to unique reports that analyze in depth the state of the markets.
Build your own indicators
From simple to complex write almost any indicator you want.
Trading Barometer
Easily apply Trading systems, alerts or studies to a whole monitor of real-time tickers. Just watch the barometer change color when your tickers hit the buy/sell rules.
Darren's indicators
Darren's very own indicators, tried and tested, built-in to the software.
OTC Bulletin Board
Real-time quotes, last-sale prices, and volume information for many over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities that are not listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
Order Book
The current list of public market or limit orders for a given ticker.
Dynamic transaction log
Every bid, ask change and every transaction traded with accompanying volume and price for a given ticker.
Dynamic option chains, Dynamic future chains
Dynamic real-time bid, ask, last and volume for all options by ticker.
Market Scan
Dynamically scan the entire market or by exchange with over 30 filters.
Pink Sheets Level II
Bid and ask prices of over-the-counter (OTC) stocks, including the market makers who trade them.
Scrolling News - Comtex Custom Business Wire Real-Time
Wire service carrying full-text corporate news releases for thousands of US companies.
Community Chat Rooms
Dedicated chat rooms with answers to trading questions, support issue and more.
Simulated Trading
Paper trade with the same direct access tools as a live trading account.
Correlation Tools
Imagine being able to identify tickers that move together or completely opposite to each other or making groups of stocks that all move together.
Fundamental Analysis
Built-in fundamentally-based strategies for the purists.
Fundamental Data 10 page report
All the company health report you could ever want.
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